Contemporary International Politics - 2nd semester


a) To understand the main theoretical approaches concerning international politics;
b) To understand the main concepts;
c) To understand some structural events concerning contemporary international politics.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Tiago Moreira de Sá


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





ARON, Raymond, Paix et Guerre entre les Nations, Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1962;
BEST, Antony; HANHIMAKI, Jussi M; MAIOLO, Joseph A; SCHULZE, Kirsten E., International History of the Twentieth Century and Beyond, 2nd edition, London and New York, Routledge, 2008;
DOUGHERTY, James E; PFALTZGRAFF, Robert L. Jr.; Relações Internacionais – As Teorias em confronto, Lisboa, Gradiva, 2003;
KISSINGER, Henry, Diplomacia, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1994;
MORGENTHAU, Hans, Politic Among Nations, The Struggle for Power and Peace, McGraw Hill, 6th edition (revised by Kenneth Thompson), 1992.

Teaching method

Course Presentations, Contextualization of Concepts and Problems. Group discussions of the main issues.

Evaluation method

Exam mid-term + final exam.

Subject matter

a) Analysis of the Realist and Idealist schools of thought concerning International Relations;
b) Definition of the concepts of international system, international order, war, peace, sovereignty, anarchy, power, balance of power, collective security, international organizations;
c) Analysis of the Cold War bipolar international system.