Human Ecology - 1st semester
a) Identify the concept of Human Ecology;
b) Acquire skills in the specific dynamics of human populations and how these relate to each other and with the environment;
c) Identify and disccuss major contemporary social-ecological problems linked to the interdisciplinary ecological perspective.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Carlos Russo Machado
Weekly - 4
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable
Bates, Daniel and Tucker, Judith (eds.). (2010). Human Ecology. Contemporary Research and Practice. New York: Springer.
Carvalho, Francisco. (2007). Da Ecologia Geral à Ecologia Humana. Fórum Sociológico, 17: 127-135.
Knapp, Gregory. (2017). Human Ecology. In AAG (eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology (pp: 880-884). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell
Pires, Iva Miranda e Craveiro, João Lutas. (2011). Ética e prática da Ecologia Humana: questões introdutórias sobre a ecologia humana e a emergência dos riscos ambientais. Lisboa: Apenas Livros, Lda.
Steffen, Will and Tyson, Peter, eds. (2001). Global Change and the Earth System: A Planet Under Pressure. IGBP Science Series 4. Stockholm: IGBP.
Outros elementos bibliográficos serão fornecidos aos alunos durante as aulas.
Teaching method
Presentation of the subjects by the teacher in the classroom, stimulating the general debate of problems. Support for the discussion and writing of one essay concerning one of the problems discussed.
Evaluation method
The evaluation consists of a written test (60% of the final classification) and a written essay (40% of the final classification).
Subject matter
The Curricular Unit is structured on the relationships between population, environment and society and is divided in two modules:
Module 1 begins with the definition of the Human Ecology concept, in order to develop the specific ecological perspective applied to human societies, underlining the need for compromise between the Social sphere and Biosphere behaviors.
Module 2 focuses on the emerging problems in a society marked by global change processes and its risks, and addresses some major contemporary ecological issues.
Programs where the course is taught: