Translation Practice: Social and Human Sciences (Portuguese to French) - 1st semester


Course available to all students who have passed the level of French A2.2 as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference, this chair has the primary objective to provide students with tools and means for an introduction to reflection on the role of translator and practice of translating texts written in Portuguese to the French language, in the field of social sciences and humanities expertise.
Students will thus have the opportunity to acquire:
a) Knowledge about the particular syntactic and textual language of expertise (social science and humanities).
b) knowledge about the terminology of social sciences and humanities.
c) Tools for contrastive linguistic analysis.
d) Stylistic skills in the target language.
e) Ability to self-correction over the translated text.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Raquel Alves da Silva


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



French language (level A2.2)


1. Outils d’aide à la traduction et cycle de travail (2008): Commission européenne, Direction générale de la traduction, Unité «Communication et information», Bruxelles, Office des publications officielles des Communautés européennes, Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-79-06276-6.
2. ROCHLITZ, Rainer (2001). Traduire les sciences humaines, Raisons politiques, n° 2. Paris: Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques. 65-77.
3. LEDERER, Marianne et alii (2001). Interpréter pour traduire. Paris: Didier Erudition.
4. SAPIRO, Gisèle. « La circulation des sciences humaines et sociales en traduction: enjeux et obstacles à l’heure de la globalisation ». Traduire, 227 | 2012: 5-15.
5. recommandations pour traduire les sciences humaines.
6. CORDONNIER, Jean-Louis (2002). Aspects culturels de la traduction: quelques notions clés. Revue Meta, XLVII, 1.

Teaching method

1. Preparatory work outside the classroom: diagnosis of difficulties and a draft translation into French, with comments on translation choices, of texts written in Portuguese.
2. Comments on the Portuguese text, presentation and class discussion of the difficulties encountered and of the different translations produced by the students.
3. Correction of errors, vocabulary explanation, means and tools to clarify doubts. Construction of a small lexicon and syntactic notes (phraseology, connectors) as a result of each student´s reflections.

Evaluation method

1. Continuous evaluation (30%): production of a portfolio consisting of three texts (300 words each) from those that were translated in class, along with the corrections made in class and notes on syntax (3) and lexis (3) and a bibliography.
2. Production of an individual work (20%): 1 text of the student´s choice (1000 words), together with 3 syntactic and 3 lexical notes.
3. 2 tests done in class: 50%.

Subject matter

1) Features syntactic and textual language of expertise (social science and humanities).
2) Terminology and terminology database organization and creation of glossaries.
3) Methodology for researching documentation on the field of social sciences and humanities.
4) Translation of texts relating to social sciences and humanities: problem solving lexical, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic as well as intercultural problems.


Programs where the course is taught: