Business and Comercial Translation Practise (French- Portuguese) - 2nd semester


1.Development of the competences of analysis and criticism bearing in mind the translation activity in specialised domains;
2.Identification and suggestion of adequate solutions to the difficulties and specificities of translation, through the explanation of some aspects belonging to the semiotics domain of literary translation;
3.Awareness and practice of the various modalities of translation, applying them coherently and permanently to the practical cases presented.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Margarida Esperança Pina


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



French language (level A2.2.)


Berg, R.-J. (2005). Parlons Affaires – Initiation au Français économique et commercial. Londres: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
Capul, J.; Garnier, O. (2005), Dictionnaire d’économie et de sciences sociales. Paris: Hatier.
Penformis, J (2004), Vocabulaire progressif du français des affaires. Paris: Nathan.
Kristeva, I. (2009). Pour Comprendre la Traduction. Paris: L’Harmattan.

Teaching method

Practical and theoretical classes, using Information and communication technologies (support of Moodle platform), academic databases and (digital) library resources to provide support for social and human sciences research. 75% minimum attendance is required.
Lectures: 25%, practical classes: 75%
In class teaching.

Evaluation method

A mid-term test (40%) and a final test (40%). Participation in class is mandatory and includes an oral presentation(20%).

Subject matter

1.Legal, administrative, accounting and human resource management issues;
2.Productive performance of companies and their integration in the economy;
3.Functions of translation in business communication;
4.Execution of tasks identification and resolution of lexical, semantic and syntactic difficulties patents in a diverse corpus of business texts;
5.For translations of texts of various kinds, related to different aspects of business.


Programs where the course is taught: