História do Livro (not translated) - 2nd semester


a) To get an autonomous work capacity on book and publishing materials;
b) To use critically methodologies and concepts;
c) To locate forms, uses and concepts of the History of the Book, having in mind current debates on how new means of communication do revolution the record and the transmission of texts.
d) To identify and to know the main agents of publishing history in Portugal.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Luís Lisboa


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Chartier, Roger, A mão do autor e a mente do editor, São Paulo, Editora UNESP, 2014.

Curto, Diogo Ramada (coord.), Bibliografia da História do livro em Portugal, séculos XV a XIX, Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional, 2003.

Darnton, Robert, The case for books. Past, present, and future, New York, Public Affairs, 2009.

Faria, Maria Isabel Faria e Maria da Graça Pericão, Dicionário do livro. Da escrita ao livro electrónico, Coimbra, Almedina, 2008.

McKenzie, D. F., Bibliography and the sociology of texts, London, The British Library, 1986.

Schiffrin, André, O Negócio dos Livros - como grandes grupos económicos decidem o que lemos, Lisboa, Letra livre, 2013.

Suarez, M. e Woudhuysen, H.R. (eds.), The Oxford Companion to the book, 2 vols., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010.

Teaching method

Dialogued lecture. Analysis of documents.

Evaluation method

Analysis and presentation (oral and written) of an ancient book by the students, from a list of proposals made by the teacher. Oral interventions during the seminar sessions.

Subject matter

1. The book as an object: conception, formats, materials, vocabulary, uses.
2. Major transformations.
3. Uses: spaces, professions, forms and conflicts.
4. Reading in contemporary world.


Programs where the course is taught: