English Masters in Language Teaching
Education objectives
A Master degree programme offered jointly by Universidade Aberta and FCSH/NOVA giving rise to a course offering that is both solid and innovative on academic, pedagogical and methodological levels.
It is intended that students should:
- Acquire and develop advanced skills to apply analysis of the English language to the planning and management of teaching and learning activities;
- Develop conceptual and analytical reflection skills in relation to the theory, research and topics currently under discussion in EFL teaching;
- Acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills to apply methodologies and ICT tools to EFL teaching and learning activities;
- Acquire skills for designing and carrying out project and research work in EFL teaching and learning situations;
- Acquire the skills necessary to communicate clearly the objectives, resources, procedures and results of research work.
General characterization
DGES code
Master (2nd Cycle)
Access to other programs
Completion of the Masters degree allows the holder to apply for the cycle of studies which leads to a Doctorate Degree. For the specific access requirements for doctoral programmes, consult the regulations governing the doctoral programmes at FCSH/NOVA.
Carlos Ceia
Opening date
September 2019
More information provided in the Call for Applications, available on www.fcsh.unl.pt
distance e-learning taught in english
Teaching language
Available soon
Degree pre-requisites
Length: 2 years/3 semesters. Total credits: 90 credits (60 in course units of the study programme + 30 in the non-taught component). Types of non-taught component: Dissertation or Project Work. Number of credits from free-elective optionals: 10 credits (the student can obtain 10 credits from elective options in course units taught at post-graduate level at FCSH/NOVA, UNL, or at any other national or foreign higher education institution through an agreement).
Conditions of admittance
2018/2019 edition will be held by Universidade Aberta. For more information please consult http://fcsh.unl.pt/ensino/mestrados/didatica-do-ingles-en?set_language=en Specific requirements: Graduate students (BA) in the English scientific area; Minimum 2 years of teaching English experience at basic or secondary schools; English level: C1; If no proof of C1 is given, candidates must take a placement test.
Evaluation rules
A final grade, expressed as a number between 10 and 20 on a scale of 0 to 20 as well as its equivalent on the ECTS grading scale, is awarded for the post-graduate diploma. The final grade of the post-graduate diploma is the average, by credit, of the grades obtained in the course units in which the student obtained the 60 credits from the taught part of the Masters course. A final grade, expressed as a number between 10 and 20 on a scale of 0 to 20 as well as its equivalent on the ECTS grading scale, is awarded for the Masters degree. The final grade of the Masters degree will be the average of the final grade of the taught part of the course, weighted to 40%, and the grade awarded to the dissertation or project work, weighted to 60%.
Mandatory | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
722171245 | Assessment and Learning Materials - 2nd semester | 10 |
722171241 | Learning, Teaching and Researching - 1st semester | 10 |
722171243 | Mastering Language Use and Usage - 2nd semester | 10 |
722171244 | Principles and Practice in English Language Teaching - 2nd semester | 10 |
722171242 | Technology in English Language Teaching - 1st semester | 10 |
Elective option 1 | ||
Code | Name | ECTS |
Options | ||
722171246 | Dissertation in English Language Teaching | 30 |
722171247 | Project Work in English Language Teaching | 30 |