Dissertation in English Language Teaching


- Analyse and critically interpret the scientific literature on the topic to be studied so as to establish the state of the question;
-Formulate a problem or an issue so that, through scientifically validated methodologies, the degree of knowledge on the problem chosen can be improved;
- Collect, analyse and process the data;
- Write a text according to the established canonical norms of the scientific area;
- Prepare the public discussion of the research results and the presentation of its relevance to the clarification of the issues studied.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - -

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Bibliografia específica adequada à dissertação de cada estudante.
Dependent on the nature of each student’s dissertation project.
Ceia, C. (2012). Normas para Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos, 9ª ed. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
Estrela, A. (2001), Investigação em Educação: Métodos e Técnicas. Lisboa: Educa.
Fabb, N. and Durant, A. (2005). How to Write Essays and Dissertations. 2nd ed. Harlow: Pearson Education.
Lamas, E. (coord.) (2001). Dicionário de Metalinguagens da Didáctica. Porto: Porto Editora.
McNiff, J. (2002). Action Research: Principles and Practice. London: Routledge.

Teaching method

Teaching methodologies assume essentially the nature of tutoring, supervision and organisation and management of analysis and reflection.
Students will be guided by a professor of the study cycle who will be responsible for accompanying the dissertation. There will be regular meetings between the student and the dissertation supervisor until the final work is handed over; participation in scientific events; good use of on-line databases and libraries;
definition of a working timetable and a research plan; definition of deadlines.

Evaluation method

The final dissertation will be evaluated during a public viva before a jury, according to the MA course regulations.

Subject matter

Each student will develop his/her individual work plan negotiated with the supervisor so as to develop the dissertation within a reflective and critical perspective.
The student will carry on advanced research on his/her subject matter, therefore the syllabus will depend on the researched topics and the specific analytical perspectives and bibliography will be given within the individual tutorial sessions.


Programs where the course is taught: