From Slavery to Globalization: The Construction of Modernity - 2nd semester
From a historical perspective, we intend to discuss some aspects of a vast process by which, sometimes violently, globalization has been built over centuries through human migrations. In particular, slavery and slave trade will be taken as related, culturally and spatially-temporally related social institutions. Their transformations will therefore be considered until the abolition, first of trafficking and then of slavery. In particular, the case will be of the Portuguese empire. Students who successfully attend this course will acquire skills that will allow them, in their professional insertion, 1. To do research in the area of SociologyHistory and Politics, and Portuguese Colonial History; 2. Mastery of vocabulary and scientific methods indispensable for the elaboration and evaluation of public policies and private initiatives around Lusophony cooperation policies.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Bernardo Luís Campos Pinto Cruz, Diogo Ramada Curto
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Bales, Kevin (2000) Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy, London, University of Califórnia Press Marques, João Pedro (2004) Portugal e a escravatura dos africanos, Lisboa, ICS. Duffy, James (1967) A Question of Slavery. Labour Policies in Portuguese Africa and the British Protest, 1850-1920, Oxford University Press. Lovejoy Paul E (2000) Transformations in Slavery. A History of Slavery in Africa, 2 ª ed., Cambridge, Cambridge Unversiy Press. Miers, Suzanne (2003) Slavery in the Twentieth Century. The Evolution of a Global Problem, New York and Oxford, Altamira Press.
Teaching method
Theoretical-practical classes with delivery of support materials in each session; research work; analysis and discussion of theoretical reflection texts and case studies.
Evaluation method
The evaluation of the seminar will take into account the participation of students in discussions that take place during class, the oral and written presentation of a text contained in the bibliography that supports the discipline and the preparation of a written work. This can take one of two forms: an essay on a particular work or confronting different authors (from among those in the program) (c. 20 pages, without bibliography); or a work on fonts (c. 30 pages).
Subject matter
1) Slavery and the Imperial and Colonial Expansion: Concepts and Stories 2) The New Imperialism: Historiography And Cases 3) Colonial Domain Structures 4) Labor Diasporas, Coolies, and Reconfiguration of Work in Plantation Economies 5) Colonial Cities 6) The Third Portuguese Empire I: Problems And Perspectives 7) The Third Portuguese Empire II: The Abolition of Slave Trade 8) The Third Portuguese Empire III: The Civilizing Mission Of Portuguese Colonialism And The Policies Of Native Work (1880-1961) 9) The Third Portuguese Empire IV: From Indigenous To Assimilated 10) Contemporary Slavery And Criminalization Of Poverty 11) From Plural Societies to Multiculturalism: Immigration as a Colonial Legacy 12) Immigration and Globalization: Transnationalism as a Contingency 13) Labor Trafficking and Illegal Immigration in the Global Economy 14) Globalization Issues 15) Globalization, Human Rights and Social Movements
Programs where the course is taught: