Human Rights and Cultural Rights


a) Use the Portuguese experience of migration to think about the social construction of the law; b) Critically assess the differences between \"law in the books\" and \"law in action\" c) Capacitate students to work in teams working on diversity \"management\" institutions - public and private, voluntary or for profit, national and international; d) Enable students to do research in a semi-autonomous way.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language

Portuguese with teacher supervision in FL




Arendt, Hannah. “O Declínio do Estado-Nação e o Fim dos Direitos do Homem”. In Origens do Totalitarismo. Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 2004, pp. 353-399. Cabrita, Isabel. Direitos Humanos: Um Conceito em Movimento, Almedina, 2011. Leitão, José. “Meios jurídicos de combate ao racismo. Como avaliar a sua eficácia?”. In Racistas são os Outros: contribuição para o debate lusotropicalista em África, Brasil e Portugal. Organização de Danila de Jesus, Fernando Conceição e M. Margarida Marques. Salvador (Bahia): Afirme-se, 2017, pp. 35-56. Nash, Kate. The Political Sociology of Human Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. Santos, Boaventura de Sousa. “Por uma concepção multicultural de direitos humanos”, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, nº48, 1997, pp.11-32. Torres, Mário. \"O Estatuto Constitucional dos Estrangeiros\", Scientia Jurídica,Tomo L, nº 290, Maio-Agosto, 2001.

Teaching method

Classes are based on theoretical exposés and practical exercises. The former consist in introductory sessions, and presentations on specific topics by invited speakers; the latter on students´ presentation and discussion of their essay or research plan.

Evaluation method

Evaluation and weighting for the final grade: - continuous evaluation of the student´s in-class participation - in-class presentation and discussion of the essay or working programme - written essay or work programme.

Subject matter

1. Preliminary notes on citizenship, Human Rights and Cultural Rights 2. Human Rights and Cultural Rights in Portugal 3. Regional and global trends: the role of International Organizations


Programs where the course is taught: