Estágio com Relatório em Novos Media e Práticas Web (not translated)
1.Mobilize and apply scientific knowledge and soft skills to work to develop in a professional context;
2.Acquire / develop some of the skills required by the labor market, such as communication skills, teamwork,
leadership skills and selfresponsibility;
3.Promote independence and encourage creativity and innovation in response to the demands of a professional work environment.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - -
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
The student can only enroll in the dissertation, project or internship of the second cycle, after having enrolled and satisfactorily completed all curricular units from study plan (60 ECTS).
Depende da natureza de cada investigação.
Teaching method
Supervision: the internship taking place will be supervised by a teacher from FCSH. The collaboration in professional work environment is supported and guided by a representative of the entity promoting the internship which allows the student to be familiar with the type of work that exists in the professional and cultural sectors, and promote the necessary soft skills.
Evaluation method
The internship itself will not be subject to formal assessment but the work done by the student will be subject to a report to be evaluated with public defense.
Subject matter
The internship is done in institutions in similar scientific areas of the course, with extensive experience of
organizing internships for students of master´s degree.
It is anticipated the development of activities in fields as varied as: Online media, advertising and digital
marketing, digital culture, production and web content management, creating websites, among others.