Tópicos de Teoria da Literatura (not translated) - 2nd semester
a) To discuss literary theory concepts
b) To acquire skill methods on theory
c) Knowledge and argumentation practice on literary terms.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Humberto Brito
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Non applicable.
Milan Kundera, A Arte do Romance
Walter Benjamin, Sobre o conceito de história
Jean François Lyotard : O Pós-moderno Explicado às Crianças, Publicações Dom Quixote, Lisboa, 1987
-Linhumain. Causeries sur le temps, Galilée, Paris, 1988. Textos : «Avant-propos : de lhumain», « Si lon peut penser sans corps» «Réécrire la modernité»
Teaching method
Through theoretical exposition and textual analysis this seminar will discuss conceptual, historical and rethorical questions concerning the texts and topics to be discussed in class. The students will be encouraged to elaborate on their views on such texts and topics, and they will be required to make one presentation in class.
Evaluation method
70% for a final essay [4500-6000 words]; 30% for a presentation in class.
Subject matter
This seminar will discuss the search for «impersonality» of style in realism and modernism, in literature, poetry, and photography, as well as the philosophical and artistic context from which it ensues. It will also discuss some of the implications and paradoxes of such «impersonality» of style, and one of its recurrent figures: the notion of «automatism» in literature and art.
Programs where the course is taught: