Modernism Studies - 1st semester


Students should develop skills regarding the critical analysis of theoretical and literary texts, enhancing knowledge concerning different subjects of Modernism. The confrontation between modernist works and authors will allow for the recognition of similarities beyond limits of language, genre or field.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Sepúlveda


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Brooker, Peter; Gasiorek, Andrzej; Longworth, Deborah; Thacker, Andrew (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Modernisms. Oxford University Press, 2010.
Eliot, T. S. Ensaios de Doutrina Crítica. Ed. J. Monteiro-Grillo, trad. Fernando de Mello Moser. 2.ª edição. Lisboa: Guimarães, 1997.
Lourenço, Eduardo. Tempo e Poesia. Obras Completas de Eduardo Lourenço. Vol. III. Coord. Carlos Mendes de Sousa. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2016.
Martins, Fernando Cabral (coord.). Dicionário de Fernando Pessoa e do Modernismo Português. Lisboa: Caminho, 2008.
Monteiro, Adolfo Casais. A Poesia de Fernando Pessoa. Org. José Blanco. 2.ª edição. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1999.
Pessoa, Fernando. Teoria da Heteronímia. Ed. Fernando Cabral Martins e Richard Zenith. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim, 2012
Sepúlveda, Pedro. Os livros de Fernando Pessoa. Ensaística Pessoana. Lisboa: Ática, 2013.

Teaching method

Teaching methodology combines lecture and discussion of texts assigned for each class.

Evaluation method

Students should deliver a short presentation (around 15 min) and participate in the discussions in class (20% of the final grade). They should write a short essay concerning the text presented in class (20%) and a final work on one of the topics discussed (60%).

Subject matter

Classes will be focused on the analysis of texts by modernist authors related to a certain topic (the subject, the world, authorship, the book, incompletion, the fragment or humanism). This analysis promotes the articulation between different genres and fields, and gives particular attention to relations between works of the main authors of Portuguese Modernism and the literary, philosophical and artistic modernity in Europe.


Programs where the course is taught: