Archaeology of Death - 2nd semester


1. Knowing the specific characteristics of the archaeological excavation in funerary contexts
2. Acquire basic concepts of physical anthropology and the legal framework for the excavation of human remains
3. Knowing the chronological and territorial diversity of the Iberian Peninsula regarding human funerary practices
4.Recognize the variety of a non funerary context but with human osteological remains

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Docente a definir


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




CAMPILLO, D. & SUBIRÁ. M. E. (2004). Antropología física para arqueólogos, Barcelona: Ariel.
CHAPMAN, R. (1990). Emerging complexity. The Later Prehistory of South-East Spain, Iberia and the West Mediterranean. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
CARVALHO, A. F. , ED. (2014). Bom Santo cave (Lisbon) aand the Moddle Neolithic Societies of Southern Portugal, Faro: UAlg.
QUIÓS CASTILLO, J.A.& ESCAÇERA-GUIRADO, A. V. , EDS. (2014). Seminario internacional “Quienes fueron, qué fueron y qué hacían. Identidad y arqueología funeraria entre los siglos V y VIII”, Vitória/Gasteiz: UPV.

Teaching method

Theoretical classes supported by audiovisuals. Practical classes on the analysis of study cases and theoric papers.

Evaluation method

The moments of evaluation moments are: a presentation in the class and written paper on a critical review on a paper about this thematic area of studies; and the participation in practical classes. Grades equal or higher than 10 over 20 are approved.

Subject matter

1. Methodologies to excavate in funerary contexts
2. Understanding the human skeleton
3. Legislation, ethics and rules for the excavation of contexts with human osteological remains
4. Death in Prehistory:
5. Death in Proto-history
6. Death among the Romans:
7. Death Late Antiquity
8. Death in the Middle Ages and in the Modern Ages
9. Other non funerary contexts


Programs where the course is taught: