Research Methods - 1st semester


It is intended that students acquire and develop:
a) Methodological knowledge and skills to design and manage, in an integrated and evolutionary manner, a research project leading to dissertation.
b) Knowledge and understanding of the main methodological instruments and options available for research in Social Sciences, and the ability to combine them according to the research’s objectives.
c) Ability to present and discuss critical and reflexive research projects

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Santos Pinto


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





ECO, Umberto, – Como se Faz uma Tese em Ciências Humanas. Lisboa: Presença, 1991.
KING, Gary, Robert O. KEHOANE, e Sidney VERBA – Designing Social Inquiry. Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.
QUIVY, Raymond e CAMPENHOUDT, Luc Van - Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais. 5ª Edição. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2008.
RAGIN, Charles S. – The Comparative Method Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies. California: University of California Press, 1987.
SOMEKH, Bridget e Cathy LEWIN – Research Methods in the Social Sciences. London: Sage Publications, 2005.

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical method. Lectures on the basic elements of the program; practical application of knowledge acquired by students through exercises (presentation in class and preparation of written papers).

Evaluation method

Presentation of a written research plan, with maximum length of 15,000 characters (excluding annexes and notes).

Subject matter

I. Basic Definitions of the Research Process
a) The functions of the theory, operational definitions and empirical investigation.
b) The objectives of the research planning.
II. Typical Phases of Research Planning
a) Research plan of \"first level\".
b) Research plan of \"second level\".
c) Research plan of \"third level\".
III. State of the Art in Different Scientific Areas
IV. Categories of Academic Publishing
a) Models of writing and presentation of scientific publishing.
V. Methods for Information Collection and Management
a) Quantitative and Qualitative methods