Society and Culture in the Middle Ages - 2nd semester
a)To know the history of the medieval nobility: kinship, identity and power b) To know the international bibliography on medieval nobility c) To identify the main characteristics of the medieval nobility, using the right concepts to its study d) To be able to do research works
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Bernardo Vasconcelos Sousa
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
-BECEIRO PITA, Isabel e CÓRDOBA DE LA LLAVE, Ricardo, Parentesco, poder y mentalidade. La nobleza castellana. Siglos XII-XV, Madrid, CSIC, 1990
-DUBY, Georges, A Sociedade Cavaleiresca, Lisboa, Teorema, 1989~
- The Historiography of Medieval Portugal c. 1950-2010, dir. de José MATTOSO, Lisboa, Instituto de Estudos Medievais, 2011
-KRUS, Luís, A Concepção Nobiliárquica do Espaço Ibérico (1280-1380), Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian JNICT, 1994
- MATTOSO, José, Identificação de um País. Ensaio sobre as Origens de Portugal. 1096-1325, vol. I Oposição, vol. 2 Composição, in Obras Completas, vols. 2 e 3, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2001
Teaching method
50% of theoretical classes and 50% of practical classes (analysis of historiographical texts and historical sources).
Evaluation method
An essay (about 20 pages) on a subject of the seminary and its oral presentation in classroom.An essay (about 20 pages) on a subject of the seminary and its oral presentation in classroom.
Subject matter
SUBJECT: Medieval Nobility - Kinship, identity and power 1.History of the family and history of the nobility 2.Kinship and social identity 3.Family and household in the medieval nobility 4.The Portuguese medieval nobility
Programs where the course is taught: