History of the Medieval Town
a) To acquire awareness that the forms and experiences of the medieval town are the result of the symbiosis between deep and complex cultural inheritance received from antiquity and innovative aspects resulting from the affirmation of a specific society and a medieval Christian mentality. b) To obtain a vision of the medieval town attentive to geo-chronological variants and the articulation between structures and conjunctures; c) To acquire updated and in-depth knowledge about the different aspects of the Portuguese medieval town. (d) To realize that the knowledge gained about the different aspects of the medieval town can be mobilized and used to better understand the contemporary European city and to make it necessary to ensure the preservation of the historic centers.e) To acquire contact with medieval sources suitable for the study of the medieval town that allow a diversified approach to a theme
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Arízaga Bolumburu, B.,(2002) La imagen de la ciudad medieval. La recuperación del paisaje urbano, Santander: Universidad de Cantabria. Asenjo, M.( 2009), Oligarchy and patronage in late medieval spanish urban Society Brussels : Brepols. Boone, M, Howell, M. C., ( 2013 )The Power of space in late medieval and early modern Europe. The cities of Italy, Northern France and the Low Countries, Brussels : Brepols. Boucheron, P., Genet, J-P, (dir. (2013), Marquer la ville Signes, traces, empreintes du pouvoir (XIIIe-XVIe siècle) Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, École Française de Rome Trindade , L (2013) Urbanismo na composição de Portugal. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. Bibliografia específica será indicada juntamente com os sumários das sessões/Specific bibliography will be indicated along with the session summaries
Teaching method
Lectures. Supervised commentary of bibliography and data. Tutorials.
Evaluation method
Assessment: Participation on supervised oral commentary of various types of documents on class (20%). Written personal research essay based on published data(80%)
Subject matter
Problematics. The contribution of the other social and human sciences. The diversity of sources for the study of the town. The Portuguese case. Some operative concepts. 1. The city inherited from antiquity: ruptures and continuities The cities of the Christian world. The emergence of new urban centers. The peninsular Islamic towns and cities. 2. The urban flowering forms and chronologies of urban growth. The organization of urban space. 3. Urban experiences The structures of the urban economy. The spaces of urban sociability 4. The urban community: a political society The political emancipation of urban communities. Order and disorder in urban society. The exercise of the ability to govern urban space 5. The Portuguese towns and cities: forms, society and functions