Power and Institutions in Portugal (16th-18th centuries) - 2nd semester
a)To have the capacity to use the knowledge acquired throughout the graduation in order to undertake an original survey about the early-modern Portuguese political history. b)To have the capacity to identify, select and interpret archival and visual information pertinent to the early-modern Portuguese political history. c)To have the skills indispensable for carrying out original research about earlymodern Portuguese political history. d)To develop the necessary skills to produce an original research work about the early-modern Portuguese political history,in view to further research within a doctoral program.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Pedro Almeida Cardim
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Hespanha, António Manuel (org.), O Antigo Regime (1621-1834), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1993. Magalhães, Joaquim Romero (org.), No Alvorecer da Modernidade (1580-1620), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1993. Marques, João Francisco & António Camões Gouveia (coords.), Humanismos e Reformas, vol. 2 da História Religiosa de Portugal, Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 2001. Monteiro, Nuno Gonçalo, «Os Poderes Locais no Antigo Regime» in César de Oliveira (org.), História dos Municípios e do Poder Local (Dos finais da Idade Média à União Europeia), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1996, pp. 17-175. Paquette, Gabriel, The European Seaborne Empires: From the Thirty Years War to the Age of Revolutions, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2019.
Teaching method
Classes: - documents commentary; - presentation and discussion of group works.
Evaluation method
Assessment: -one essay paper due at the end of the term.
Subject matter
A THE POLITICAL SYSTEM 1. The Foundations of the Ancien Régime political system 1.1. Politics, institutions and power relations in the current historiography 1.2. Natural order and artificial order 1.3 The ancien Régimes understanding of «administration» - the jurisdictionalist matrix 1.4 The gradual birth of the «government» 2. The political actors 2.1 The Family 2.2 The municipal institutions and other local entities 2.3 The Seigneurial institutions 2.4 The Corporations 2.5 The Chruch 2.6 The Crown 2.7 Kingdoms, Monarchies and Empires 2.8 The status of women, poor people, and populations of African, Asian, and Ameridian descent B TOPICS OF POLITICAL DEBATE (1500-1800) 3. Government and royal power in the early 16th century 4. Seaborne expansion and territorial conquest across the Atlantic and Asia 5. Jurisdictional politics and the Catholic framework of government6. Portuguese debates about government between 1580 and 1640 7. Debating politics during the Enligtenment.