The African Cycle of the Empire: Colonialism, War and Decolonization in Contemporary Portugal - 2nd semester
a) Acquire an overview of the last stage of Portugals overseas expansion the African empire (c. 1890-1975) - and make sense of its historical legacies b) Understand the various influences that shaped the political, institutional and economic configuration of Portugals contemporary empire c) Make sense of the modes of collaboration and resistance which shaped the relationship of the Portuguese with the different peoples which came under their rule d) Acquire a comparative perspective of Portuguese and European decolonization, in a longue durée time scale. e) Be familiar with some of the major historical debates related with the various topics of the course f) Be able to locate and work with historical sources for different periods of Portugals contemporary empire and acquire the necessary skills to develop a Masters academic work.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Pedro Aires Oliveira
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
ALEXANDRE, Valentim Velho Brasil, Novas Áfricas. Porto: Afrontamento, 2000 BETHENCOURT, Francisco e CHAUDHURI, Kirti (coord.) História da Expansão Portuguesa. Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1998, 5 volumes MACQUEEN, Norrie A Descolonização da África Portuguesa. Lisboa: Inquérito, 1998 ROSAS, F.; MACHAQUEIRO, M.; OLIVEIRA, P. Aires (org.) - O Adeus ao Império. 40 anos de Descolonização Portuguesa. Lisboa: Nova Vega, 2015 SHIPWAY, Martin Decolonization and its Impact. A comparative Approach to the End of Colonial Empires. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008 SMITH Gervase Clarence The Third Portuguese Empire (1825-1975). Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1985
Teaching method
Lectures by the teacher and oral interventions by the students based on selected articles or book chapters. Tutorial meetings with teacher to prepare students for the writing of their essays.
Evaluation method
Evaluation: Oral presentation (30%); Written essay based on scholarly bibliography and historical sources (70%)
Subject matter
a. The historiography of the Third Portuguese Empire: major interpretative lines b. Key theories concerning the New Imperialism of the late 19th century. c. The crisis of the Ultimatum and the emergence of a modern imperial and nationalistic ideology. d. The empire after 1890: Portugals civilizing mission and African labour; the neo-mercantilist policies and the chartered companies; the military conquest and the setting up of the colonial apparatus. e. The racial question in the Third Portuguese empire. f. The Portuguese colonies and the evolution of international system up to the 1930s. g. Salazars New State: from the Colonial Act to the adjustments of the 1950s. h. Origins and development of the decolonization movement. The Cold War and the European empires. i. Portugals African Wars. The independence movements and the late colonial state. The international context of Portugals decolonization. j. Beyond empire: the quest for a new national identity and Portugals strategies.
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