The Problem of Modernity in Portugal. From the Monarchy to the Republic


a) To acquire the necessary scientific upgrade to the knowledge and the questioning of Social History in the Portuguese \"long nineteenth century\"
b) To question aspects of social modernity inherent in the establishment and consolidation of Liberalism in Portugal
c) To analyse the several components of the Portuguese liberal society, namely individuals, social groups or socio-professional associations
d) To have the ability to present orally and to write a paper of original research
e) To acquire the knowledge to enable the pursue of a thorough investigation into the modern/contemporary era

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Not applicable.


Alves, Daniel, A República atrás do Balcão (1870-1910), Lisboa, Cosmos, 2012
Amaral, Luciano (coord.), Outubro - A Revolução Republicana em Portugal (1910-1926), Lisboa, Edições 70, 2011
Catroga, Fernando, O Republicanismo em Portugal da Formação ao 5 de Outubro de 1910, Coimbra, Faculdade de Letras, 1991
Ramos, Rui, A Segunda Fundação (1890-1926), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1994
REIS, Jaime, O Atraso Económico Português 1850-1930, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1993

Teaching method

Teaching methods: lectures designed to provide a critical approach to the various subjects; seminar debates; students oral presentations; individual tutoring.

Evaluation method

Assessment tools: a paper 40 000 to 50 000 characters long, including spaces and footnotes but excluding final references (which will weight 60% of the final grade); the oral presentation of the same essay (20%) and the participation in seminar debates (20% of the final grade)

Subject matter

Monarchy, Republic and modernity in Portugal: addressing the problem
The Republic was the necessary consequence of the late nineteenth century crisis? The republican revolution in comparative perspective
The contribution of monarchical institutions for the revolution: the revolution from within
The political and constitutional system. The State and the peripherals powers. The electoral system. The functioning of the political system
Structural changes and economic progress in a peripheral country
Population, emigration, internal migrations and urbanization. Territorial inequalities
Lisbon, a city in expansion and change: the petty bourgeoisie and the working class
Religion, Church and State. From the confessional State to the separation of State and Churches
State and the construction of citizenship, from Constitutional Monarchy to the Republic


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