História Politica do Liberalismo em Portugal (not translated) - 2nd semester
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paulo Jorge Fernandes
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
ALMEIDA, Pedro Tavares de, Eleições e Caciquismo no Portugal Oitocentista (1868-1890), Lisboa, Dífel, 1991.
BONIFÁCIO, Maria de Fátima, Apologia da História Política. Estudos sobre o Século XIX Português, Lisboa, Quetzal Editores, 1999.
FERNANDES, Paulo Jorge, Mariano Cirilo de Carvalho: o «Poder Oculto» do Liberalismo Progressista (1876-1892), Lisboa, Assembleia da República e Texto Editora, 2010.
HESPANHA, António Manuel, Guiando a Mão Invisível: Direitos, Estado e Lei no Liberalismo Monárquico Português, Coimbra, Almedina, 2004.
SARDICA, José Miguel, A Regeneração sob o Signo do Consenso. A Política e os Partidos entre 1851 e 1861, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2001.
Teaching method
Presentation of theoretical contents by the teacher that will be complemented by practical sessions devoted to oral presentations by students and discussion.
Evaluation method
Each student must make a written individual paper (55.000 to 60.000 characters including spaces and footnotes), based on sources and bibliography. This work should be subject to a presentation in class
(15m.). The student also will be invited to attend a seminar regularly (minimum of 5 sessions), according to the schedule provided, and present a short written report for each session in which it is present (2.000 to 3.000 characters including spaces without footnotes). Students will be encouraged to intervene regularly in discussions during class and will be graded on the basis of results obtained in the individual written paper (60% of the final grade), the set of written reports (20% of the final grade) and its interventions regarding practical classes (20% of the final grade).
Subject matter