Portugal e Espanha na Época Contemporânea (not translated)
To understand the path towards political modernity followed by Portugal and Spain
To be able to approach the history of Portugal and Spain from a comparative and transnational perspective
To know the main historians who have written on Portugal and Spain on this historical era and their works
To develop analytical and critical reflection skills
To develop the ability to expose the learning outcomes both orally and in writing
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Not applicable
Álvarez Junco, José, Mater Dolorosa: La Idea de España en el Siglo XIX, Madrid, Paurus, 2001
Artola, Miguel, La Burguesía Revolucionaria (1808-1874), Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1973
Artola, Miguel (dir.), Enciclopedia de Historia de España, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1991-1993. Vol. 4. Diccionario biográfico; vol. 5, Diccionario temático; vol. 6, Cronología, Mapas, Estadísticas; vol. 7, Fuentes, Indice.
Bahamonde, Ángel e Martínez, Jesús A., Historia de España, Siglo XIX, Madrid, Cátedra, 1994
Casanova, Julián, República y Guerra Civil, Barcelona/Madrid, Crítica/Marcial Pons, 2007, vol. 8 da Historia de España dir. Josep Fontana e Ramón Villares
Villares, Ramón e Moreno Luzón, Javier, Restauración y Dictadura, Barcelona/Madrid, Crítica/Marcial Pons, 2009. Vol. 7 da Historia de España dir. Josep Fontana e Ramón Villares
Teaching method
Lectures designed to provide a critical approach to the various subjects
Seminar discussions
Students presentations
Individual tutoring
Evaluation method
A written essay between 40 000 and 50 000 characters long, including spaces and footnotes but excluding the final references (which will weight 60% of the final grade)
The presentation of the same essay (20%)
The participation in seminar discussions (20% of the final grade)
Subject matter
Analytical Perspectives: Comparative and Transnational History. History and Space
The Peninsula as an analytical framework. The states. The frontier. National unity and peripheral nationalities
Political conjunctures:
Peninsular War/War of Independence and Revolution
Revolution and counter-revolution in the 1820´s
The liberal regime in Portugal (1832-1842) and in Spain (1833-1843)
The dominance of the doctrinaires in the 1840´s. The Peninsula and the revolutions of 1848. Political stabilization in Portugal/political instability in Spain
The Sexénio Revolucionário. Portugal and the I Spanish Republic. The Iberianism
The Restoration of the monarchy in Spain and the Portuguese Regeneration
The crisis of the late nineteenth century. The persistence of the monarchy in Spain and the triumph of the republic in Portugal
Portugal, Spain and the First World War. The crisis of the liberal regimes. The Iberian dictatorships
The II Spanish Republic. The civil war. Portugal and the spanish civil war