History of Modern and Contemporary Revolutions - 2nd semester
a) To acquire the necessary scientific upgrade to the knowledge and the questioning of revolutions as a major modern/contemporary subject b) Understand the causes, major events and consequences of revolutionary moments in Modern/Contemporary History c) To question aspects of political and social modernity inherent to several modern/contemporary revolutions d) To analyze the importance of revolutionary moments in the context of Modern/Contemporary History e) To have the ability to present orally and to write a paper of original research f) To acquire the knowledge to enable the pursue of a thorough research into the modern/contemporary era
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Daniel Ribeiro Alves
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Baker, K. M., & Edelstein, D. (Eds.). (2015). Scripting Revolution: A Historical Approach to the Comparative Study of Revolutions. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Censer, J. R. (2016). Debating modern revolution: The evolution of revolutionary ideas. London: Bloomsbury Academic. Foran, J., Lane, D., & Zivkovic, A. (Eds.). (2008). Revolution in the making of the modern world: Social identities, globalization, and modernity. New York: Routledge. Woloch, I. (Ed.). (1996). Revolution and the meanings of freedom in the nineteenth century. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Teaching method
Lectures presented by the teacher about the various aspects of the program. Lectures by students with oral presentation of selected texts, followed by debate with the colleagues and the teacher. Classes with discussion of texts for analysis and reflection, dedicated to the preparation of oral presentations, or dedicated to the preparation of written assignments.
Evaluation method
Evaluation: Interventions in the debates in theoretical and practical classes (30%) Development of a research paper (35 000 to 40 000 characters with spaces) (50%) Oral presentation (20%)
Subject matter
From the eighteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century Introduction: - The concept of \"revolution\": from the sources to the historiography - Revolution, revolt and rebellion: variations on a theme? - The importance of the revolutionary moments in modern/contemporary History Founding Revolutions: - The American Revolution - The French Revolution Liberal Revolutions:- Revolutions in Latin America - Revolutions in Mediterranean Europe - The French Revolution of 1830 Failed Revolutions?: - Revolutions of 1848 - The Paris Commune of 1871 Constitutional and Republican Revolutions: - The Russian Revolution of 1905 - The Young Turks Revolution of 1908 - The Portuguese Republican Revolution of 1910 - The Chinese Revolution of 1911-12 A new type of revolution for the twentieth century?: - Introduction to the Russian Revolution of 1917
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