Estágio com Relatório em Ciências Musicais - Musicologia Histórica (not translated)


It is intended that the student will:
1. Mobilize and apply scientific knowledge and soft skills to work developed in a professional context.
2. Acquire / develop some of the skills required by the labour market, such as communication skills, teamwork,
leadership skills and selfresponsibility.
3. Promote independence and encourage creativity and innovation in response to the demands of a professional
work environment.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - -

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



The student can only enroll in the dissertation, project or internship of the second cycle, after having enrolled and satisfactorily completed all curricular units from study plan (60 ECTS).


Depende da natureza da investigação individual.
Depends on the nature of individual research.

Teaching method

The training comprises 800 work hours, being supervised by a representative of the institution. The training
itself will not be subject to formal evaluation, but the work done by the student will be subject to a report to be
evaluated with a public defense. The collaboration in professional fieldwork, supported and supervised by a representative of the institution offering the training, allows the student to acquaint him/herself with the type of work developed in the professional and cultural fields, as well as promoting the necessary soft skills.

Evaluation method

Public defense of training report.

Subject matter

The internship takes place in a public or private institution with which FCSH has established an agreement, and it ensures the performance of relevant professional tasks, involving the application of theoretical and practical skills acquired in the course curriculum. It is framed by a training plan, set by a responsible of the host
institution, by a supervisor from FCSH and the student. The FCSH supervisor will validate the plan according to
the objectives of the non-taught component of the course.
The training report includes the characterization of the host institution, the nature of supervised work, the
concrete tasks undertaken for the development of this work and the student’s effective participation in those
tasks, theoretical or methodological problems posed by them, as well as comments on the actions taken and, in
the form of an attachment, examples of materials produced.
The student must also prepare the public discussion of the results.


Programs where the course is taught: