History of Ethnomusicology - 1st semester


This seminar aims at familiarizing students with the main theoretical and methodological perspectives that informed ethnomusicological research from the late 19th century up to the present in both Europe and the United States of America. Publications reflecting the main trends are analysed and the role of the main researchers and institutions is discussed. The history of ethnomusicology is contextualized within the major historical, technological and intellectual developments that characterized the 20th century. Special attention is given to the theoretical contribution of anthropology and linguistics. Work expected of students includes: book reviews, an annotated bibliography and an essay on one or more theoretical perspectives within ethnomusicology.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Marco António Roque de Freitas, Salwa Castelo Branco


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Adler, G. (1885/1981). Umfang, [...] der Musikwissenschaft. Tr. E. Mugglestone. YTM, 13, 1-21.
Blacking, J. (1973). How Musical is Man? Seattle: UWP.
Castelo-Branco, S. (Ed.) (2010). Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX. Lisboa: C. Leitores.
Christensen, D & Wachsmann, K. (Eds.) (1905/1975). Hornbostel Opera Omnia. Leiden: Brill.
Côrte-Real, M. (Ed.) (2010). Música e Migração. Migrações 7. Lisboa: O. Imigração.
Ellis, A. (1885). On the Musical Scales of Various Nations. Journal of the Society on Arts, 33, 485-527.
Malm, K. (1993). Music [...] and Mass Media. Ethnomusicology, 37(3), 339–52.
Merriam, A. (1964). The Anthropology of Music. Evanston: NUP.
Miller, K. (2007). Jacking the Dial: Radio, Race, and Place in Grand Theft Auto. Ethnomusicology, 51(3), 402-38.
Nettl, B. (2005). The Study of Ethnnomusicology: 31 Issues and Concepts. Urbana: UIP.
Pegg, C. & al. (2001). Ethnomusicology. In S. Sadie (Ed.), The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London: Macmillan.

Teaching method

This course will be taught as a seminar. A theoretical part (50%) includes oral presentations and discussions of case studies, critical approaches to relevant literature and the applicability of the learned perspectives to specific cases. The second part, practical (50%), follows accompanying the conception and written development of annotated thematic chronologies, in 3 versions.

Evaluation method

Evaluation, to negotiate at the beginning, develops in turn of the written work: 1 text about a meaningful idea of historical meaning (3000 cws) (15%); 1 text about a reference point, promoter of an historical trend of research (5000 cws) (15%); 3 versions of an annotated thematic chronology (15%+20%+20%); participation and oral presentation (15%).

Subject matter

This seminar aims at familiarizing students with the main theoretical and methodological perspectives that informed ethnomusicological research from the late 19th century up to the present in both Europe and the United States of America. Publications reflecting the main trends are analysed and the role of the main researchers and institutions is discussed. The history of ethnomusicology is contextualized within the major historical, technological and intellectual developments that characterized the 20th century. Special attention is given to the theoretical contribution of anthropology and linguistics. Work expected of students includes: book reviews, an annotated bibliography and an essay on one or more theoretical perspectives within ethnomusicology.


Programs where the course is taught: