Problems of Musical Representation - 2nd semester


a) To develop knowledge about different means of representation of music (performative, graphic, ethnographic, multimedia and digital).
b) To promote discussion about problems in different contexts of music representation (education, cultural policy, research and development).
c) To provide experience on scientific reasoning and interpretive writing effectiveness (exercise clear thinking and interesting writing).

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria de São José Côrte-Real


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Askew, K. (2002). Performing the Nation: Swahili Music and Cultural Politics in Tanzania. Chicago: UCP.
Bohlman, P. (2004). The Music of European Nationalism. St Barbara: ABC-Clio.
Carvalho, J. S. (1995). A Nação Folclórica: projecção nacional, política cultural e etnicidade em Portugal. Trans online.
Côrte-Real, M.S.J. (2000). Cultural Policy and Musical Expression in the Transition from Dictatorship to Democracy in Portugal. Doct Diss. NY: Columbia University.
Lafleur, J. e M. Martiniello (2010). Music, Musicians and the Latino Vote at the 2008 US Presidential Election. In M. Côrte-Real (Ed.) Music and Migration, Migrações 7, 213-230.
Schultz, A. (2013). Singing a Hindu Nation: Marathi Devotional Performance and Nationalism. Oxford: OUP.
Tuohi, S. (2006). The Sonic Dimensions of Nationalism in Modern China: Musical Representation and Transformation. In J. Post, Ethnomusicology. NY: Routledge.
Washabaugh, W. (2012). Flamenco Music and National Identity in Spain. Burlington: Ashgate.

Teaching method

This course will be taught as a seminar. The first part of theoretical character (50%) includes oral presentations and discussions by teacher and students, of case studies, critical approaches to the relevant literature and the applicability of the learned perspectives to specific cases, related to the proposed theme. In the second part of the term, more practical (50%), of more individual and dialoguing character, between teacher and each student in particular, in alone and group moments, the work follows accompanying the conception and written development of a research essay in the so called rehearsal methodology, in three versions.

Evaluation method

Evaluation, to negotiate in the first week of the term, develops mainly in turn of the written work to produce: 1 text about a meaningful musical aspect (3000 cws) (15%); 1 text about a problem of music representation related with the theme (5000 cws) (15%); 3 versions of the research essay (15%+20%+20%); participation and oral presentation (15%).

Subject matter

Discussions about hermeneutics, interpretive discourse and music representation. Presentation of historic strategies of music representation in the field of Ethnomusicology. Different perspectives of specific problems of music representation based on ethnographic recordings for the study of institutional (eg, nationalism), individual and collective recognition (eg identity), social development, including industrial strategy and the relationship between globalization and cultural diversity. Exercise of musical transcription and analysis, bibliographic research and development of scientific writing.


Programs where the course is taught: