Research Themes in Ethnomusicology - 2nd semester


a) To make students be aware of some of the main areas of theoretical debate and of problematization in the field of Ethnomusicology, taking as main case study the analysis of the reception of jazz in Portugal over the 20th century
b) To deepen and encourage the use of key concepts from contemporary social sciences and Ethnomusicology
c)To discuss the themes relating to jazz in the context of broader issues around the dissemination of popular music and the music industry, as discussed in ethnomusicological literature

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Pedro Roxo


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





CURVELO, António; Mendes, Carlos, Veloso, Manuel Jorge (2010) “Jazz” in Salwa Castelo-Branco (ed.)Enciclopédia da Música em Portugal no Século XX. Vol. 2. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores.
MARTINS, Hélder Bruno (2006) Jazz em Portugal (1920-1956).Coimbra: Almedina.
RADANO, Ronald e BOHLMAN, Philip (eds.) (2000) Music and the Racial Imagination. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
ROXO, Pedro (2009) “Modernidade, Transgressão Sexual e Percepções de Alteridade Racial Negra na Recepção do Jazz em Portugal nas Décadas de 1920 e 1930” in AAVV, Arte e Eros. Lisboa: FBA-UL.
SANTOS, João Moreira (2009)O Jazz Segundo Villas-Boas. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim.
STOKES, Martin (ed.) (1994) Ethnicity, Identity and Music. The Musical Construction of Place Oxford: Berg Publishers.
STOKES, Martin (2004) “Music and the Global Order”,Annual Review of Anthropology, 33: 47-72.
TURINO, Thomas (2000) Nationalists, Cosmopolitans and Popular Music in
Zimbabwe. Chicago:The University of Chicago Press.

Teaching method

Classes are structured around the presentation and discussion of the topics previously stated, through presentations by the lecturer and the presentation and discussion of texts and issues by the students. Listening to musical examples and the analysis of audiovisual materials relevant to the issues under consideration are also planned activities.

Evaluation method

The assessment methodology consist of two parameters: the first relates to classroom participation, including presentation and discussion of texts and audiovisual materials; the second parameter consists of writing a recension based on a text included in the bibliography (the recension should ideally cross diferent references), or conducting a short research project based on the themes of the classes

Subject matter

a) The role of journalist and politician António Ferro in the dissemination of discourses on jazz in the 1920s
b) The Portuguese and European circulation of vaudeville troupes of black artists and their role in the dissemination of expressive practices associated with syncopated music
c) The diversification of perceptions about blackness and about “the nature” of black people
d) The consolidation of Estado Novo and the instrumentalization of expressive culture
e) The “Colonial Act” and the violent reactions of catholic church to jazz
f) The proliferation of popular music and the multiple meanings of the word ‘jazz’
g) The emergency of Villas-Boas as advocate of jazz in Portugal
h) The activities of Hot Club de Portugal and Clube Universitário de Jazz and the emergency of politicized discourses about jazz
i) The appropriation of black expressive practices by “Luso-Tropicalismo” and the colonial war propaganda
j) 25 of April revolution and the institutionalization of jazz


Programs where the course is taught: