Environmental Policies and Sustainable Development - 2nd semester
Knowledge about the environment as, a category of analysis, and object of sociological reflection. Knowledge about the relationship between environmental issues and social issues: environmental sensitivities and environmental movements and risk society; Knowledge about environmental policies and institutionalisation of environmental laws: knowledge about European and global commitments arising from international agreements on environmental issues, right to information and participation.Knowledge about the national evolution of environmental policies. The concept of sustainable development, scope, theories and evolution of the indicators. Thematic analysis around the environment: social movements and activism; ethics and environmental justice; health and environment
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Paula Gil, Maria do Rosário Jorge
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
BRUNDTLAND, G. (1991). O Nosso futuro comum. Fundação Getúlio Vargas: Rio de Janeiro. DUARTE SANTOS, F. (2007). Ciência, Tecnologia, Desenvolvimento e Ambiente. Ed. Gradiva: Lisboa. FERNANDES, J.P. (2002). A Política e o Ambiente: a dimensão do indivíduo. Perspetivas Ecológicas. Instituto Piaget: Lisboa. PEREIRA, S.C.; REIS, J.P. e SILVA, J.C. (1985). O Ambiente na Legislação Portuguesa. Ed. Progresso Social e Democracia: Lisboa. SACHS, I. (2008). Caminhos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Ed. Garamond: Rio de Janeiro. SCHMIDT, L.; Delicado, A. (2014). Ambiente, Alterações Climáticas, Alimentação e Energia, A opinião dos Portugueses, Lisboa, ICS. SOROMENHO- MARQUES, V.; NEVES, PATRÃO, M.C. (2017). Ambiente ética aplicada. Lisboa: Edições 70. VAZ, Guedes, S. (2016). Ambiente em Portugal. Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Teaching method
Teaching method: 3 hours per week. Sessions are theoretical and practical. It means that lessons are expository, on the theoretical subjects, by the teacher and presentation and discussion of scientific texts by the students.
Evaluation method
Teaching method: 3 hours per week. Sessions are theoretical and practical. It means that lessons are expository, on the theoretical subjects, by the teacher and presentation and discussion of scientific texts by the students.
Subject matter
1.The environment in sociological reflection: historical and theoretical evolution 2.Modernity, nature, environment The environment in sociological reflection: from the classics to the theories of modernity. From globalisation to ontological insecurity; the risk society and the theory of ecological modernisation. 3. Social movements around the environment Environment and citizenship: dimensions of environmental mobilisation (environmentalists, ecologists, bio movement, climate activism) 4.Environment and sustainable development: theories, scope and evolution of indicators; from global to local; glocal concept; The ecological footprint as a tool for environmental impact assessment; Sustainable Development (Resilience, Mitigation, Adaptation) 5.Progressive institutionalisation of environmental issues: international commitments and national policies 6.Analysis of environmental issues: climate change, ethics and environmental justice, the impact of environment on public health) .