Social Problems and Sociological Problematics - 1st semester


1. Capacity to make use of sociological knowledge to construct an object of scientific research; 2. capacity to manage the succession of logical operations inherent to the construction of an object of research; 3. making critical and reflexive attitude and a sensitivity towards problematizing a core guideline, develop the capacity to deconstruct the ideological aspects of social realities in order to a) subject them to sociological understanding and/or b) open up to the sociological exploration of the dimensions of those social realities that were blurred by those ideological aspects; 4. capacity to use the sociological tradition and make the best use of the research formulas and models available in sociology to formulate research objectives.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Sedas Nunes


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Blumer, H. (1971). \"Social problems as collective behavior.\" Social Problems. Vol 18, Issue 3: 398-206. Cefaï, D., Trom, D. (dir.) (2001), Les formes de l´action collective. Mobilisations dans des arènes publiques. Paris. Édit. EHESS. Franco, L. (2004). \"Um processo de problematização social. As drogas no Diário de Notícias (1974/1993).\" Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas. Nº 46: 117-132. Guedes, S.L. (2000). \"A concepção sobre a família na geriatria e na gerontologia brasileiras.\" Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais. Vol. 15. Nº 43: 69-82. Merllié, D., et al (1996). Iniciação à Prática Sociológica. Rio de Janeiro, Vozes. Schneider, J.W. (1985). \"Social problems theory: the constructionist view.\" Annual Review of Sociology. Vol. 11: 209229. Spector, M., Kitsuse, J.I. (1977). Constructing Social Problems. Menlo Park. Cummings.

Teaching method

Teaching Modes 1. The pedagogics results from the articulation of two types of content: • Cross-sectional contents (theoretical and procedural - which is really a better way to describe what the contents are all about than \"methodological\") • Specific contents set up by reference to the cognitive interests expressed individually by each student. 2. The integration of the two kinds od contents in the students´ works is done a) all through the course sessions and b) under individual supervision.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Modalities 3. The evaluation focus both on the process and the results of the students´ efforts. 4. At the process level, the investment made by students to seize the construction of a research object and to problematize it from various standpoints (theoretical, ethical, practical or technical) is valued. 5. The results are evaluated taking into account the theoretical and formal quality of the written work and a preliminary presentation.

Subject matter

1. The relation between sociology and social problems in order to overcome the common sense idea that sociology is all about tackling social problems: a) understanding why social problems cannot be the ´idea-logical´ backbone of sociology´s making sense of the social world; b) transforming social problems into sociological objects; c) getting rid of social problems problématiques in order to grasp specific structures and processes of social life which aren´t immediately visible. 2. Sociological research as a particular set of social practices. Research processes and experiences covering different sociological theoretical object construction and methodologies. These accounts are provided by several researchers whom are invited to talk extensively about their work.