Economics and Organisations - 2nd semester
The course is designed according to individual students research project, (master final work). The research project may be based on the work initiated in previous courses (including the Sociological Research Methods) and aims to apply the theories and concepts of economic sociology, organisations and innovations to the design of a research project, a professional project or a sociological intervention project.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Helena Serra
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
not applicable
Consoante os diferentes projetos individuais será disponibilizada bibliografia específica.
Specific bibliography will be made available according to the different individual projects.
Teaching method
Depending on the theme and in view of individual students projects, students will be systematically monitored by the teacher. About half of the sessions is dedicated to students research projects design: methods and planning; and discussion of relevant topics on economic sociology and sociology of organisations, concerning sociological intervention and professional practice of sociologists. The content of these thematic sessions will be adjusted according to students individual projects. The second half of the sessions is dedicated to the presentation and discussion of students research projects under development.
Evaluation method
Indicar ponderações para cada um dos elementos de avaliação
Subject matter
The contents of the thematic sessions will be adjusted according to individual student projects.