Leadership, Innovation and Business Skills


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Conceição, Pedro; Manuel Heitor e Bengt-Ake Lundvall (2003). Innovation, Competence Building and Social Cohesion in Europe. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Castells, Manuel (2000). The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture (3 vols.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishers
Ferreira, José, José Neves e António Caetano (2001). Manual de Psicossociologia das Organizações. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill
Lisboa, Manuel (2002). A Indústria Portuguesa e os seus Dirigentes: Crescimento na 2ª metade do século XX e potencial de inovação das funções capitalista, empresarial e de gestão. Lisboa: Educa Sztompka, Piotr (1993). The Sociology of Social Change. Oxford: Blackwell.

Teaching method

Classes are structured according to three types of sessions: a) oral presentation by the lecturer covering the different points in the syllabus, with use of powerpoint, audio, and video; b) invited experts to lecture on relevants subjects for assignment work; c) final collective discussion of the individual students´ work.
Since this is a curricular unit that can be attended by students from various undergraduate courses, we would like to enhance and reflect the richness of this diversity, combining the oral presentations with the participation and critical comments of students.
The subject of the individual assignment is prearranged with the lecturer, to be considered a small essay to be used further on in the master´s final assignment.

Evaluation method

The assessmet is done through participation and class discussions (20%) and written work, to be delivered according to established schedule (maximum 4000 words, excluding annexes and bibliography) (80%).

Subject matter


Programs where the course is taught: