Markets and Economic Institutions
General characterization
Responsible teacher
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Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Abolafia 2010 Institl embedd of market failure. Lounsbury &al Markets on Trial
Beckert 2009 Social order of markets.Theor & Socty 38
Block &al 2005 State & economy Smelser &al Handb Econ Soc
DiMaggio &al 1983.Iron cage revisited. Amer Soc Rev 48
Fligstein 2005 Polit and econ soc of interntl econ arrangts.Smelser &al Handb Econ Soc
Granovetter 1992.Econ institns as social constr.Acta Soc 35
Guillén &al 2010.Global crisis 2007-2009.Lounsbury &al Markets on Trial
King &al 2010. Contentiousness of markets. Ann Rev Soc 36
Knorr-Cetina &al 2004. Global microstruct. Dobbin F Soc of Economy
Meyer &al [1977] 2004. Institzed organiz. Dobbin New Econ Soc
Nee 2005 New institsm in econ & sociol. Smelser &al Handb Econ Soc
O´Riaín 2000. States & markets in an era globaliz. Ann Rev Soc 26
Polanyi [1957] 2001 Economy as instituted process. Granovetter &al Soc Econ Life
Portes &al 2007. Immigrants´ transnat organiz & development. Int Mig Rev 41
Portes 2010 Informal econ. Portes Econ Soc
Teaching method
One synthesis lecture frames the problematics within each topic, after which the professor guides the students through the discussion of the papers chosen for each seminar session. Each topic concludes with a synthesis of the concepts, theoretical guidelines and analytical problems dealt with in the discussions. The students are invited to reflect upon possible developments of those clues which may prove relevant for the problematisation
of their own study objects, building on the interests they have expressed since the seminar presentation session and along the tutorials The programed activities culminate with the discussion of he students individual projects for problematisation essays on their research or application topics.
Evaluation method
Continuous formative assessment of the students participation in seminar discussions and presentation of an essay project. The summative final evaluation of this component is weighted 40%. The evaluation of the final written essay is weighted 60%.
Subject matter