Methodology for Organisational Intervention - 2nd semester


a) To reflect on the dynamics of organisational change, giving particular emphasis on methodologies for organisational intervention.
b) To introduce the sociological perspective on change in organizations. It will be given a comprehensive view on the main sociological theories on change and changing and methodologies for organisational intervention.
c) This course aims to reflect about the social dimensions of organisational change, including the different types of organisational intervention, the resistance to change, the actors of change and the determinants of organisational change and intervention.
d) Concerning the issues mentioned above, this course aims to give a clear understanding of organisational change, through an analytical, reflexive and critical standpoint, taking into account the complex transformations that organisations are struggling today, in a global society increasingly challenging.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Ana Nestal Roque


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



not applicable


Beckhard, Richard. 1972. Desenvolvimento organizacional: estratégicas e modelos. S. Paulo: Edgard Blucher

Cunha, M.P.; Rego, A.; Cunha, R.C. & Cabral-Cardoso, C. 2003. Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão. Lisboa: RH.

Ferreira, J.M.C.; Neves, J. & Caetano, A. (2001). Psicossociologia das Organizações. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill

Kotter, John. 1996. Leading Change. Harvard: Harvard Business School

Savall, Henri; Zardet, Véronique; Bonnet, Marc. (2008) Mejorar los desempeños ocultos de las empresas a través da gestión socioeconômica. 2ª Ed. Lyón: OIT/ISEOR.

Senge,Peter et al. 1994. The Fifth Discipline. London, Boston: Nicholas Brealey

Teaching method

. Theoretical lectures: presentation of theoretical contents (by teacher); tutorial and students individual learning based on readings;
. Individual oral presentation on research topics.
In class teaching.

Evaluation method

-Individual oral presentation on a research topic (40%).
- Individual paper: intervention methodology application, to be presented in class and in a paper version (maximum 4000 words not including annexes and bibliography) (60%)

Subject matter

1. Organisational change and intervention
1.1. Relevant issues on organisational change and intervention
1.2. Conceptualizing organizational change
1.3. Organisational change and intervention: typologies
1.4. Forces for and resistance to organisational change

2. Organisational change and intervention: theoretical frameworks
2.1. Main theoretical frameworks
2.2. Implementing organizational change: models

3. Planned change and intervention methodologies
3.1. Organisational Development in the context of organizational change and intervention
3.2. Socio-economic approach
3.3. Organisational intervention techniques


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