Sociological Theories - 1st semester


It is expected of the students to acquire: 1) Knowledge of the various types of theory, theoretical production strategies and uses of theory in sociological work; 2) Knowledge and understanding of the theoretical heritage of sociology, mapped in chronological terms and based on the intersection of the Macro-Micro and Change-Reproduction axes; 3) Competence and ability to recognize problems. Central ideas and main concepts of each of the theoretical perspectives addressed; 4) Ability to critically reflect on the (in) compatibility and possibility of syntheses between different theoretical perspectives 5) Ability to produce \"states of art\" oriented to the definition, explanation and deepening of theoretical concepts; 6) Ability to mobilize the theoretical perspectives addressed in the construction of theoretical frameworks oriented to the development of master´s theses, research projects and intervention plans.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Miguel Chaves


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Campenhoudt, Luc Van (2003). Introdução à Análise dos Fenómenos Sociais. Lisboa: Gradiva. Collins, R. (2009). Quatro Tradições Sociológicas. Petrópolis: Vozes. Corcuff, P. (1995). As Novas Sociologias. Sintra: Vral. Giddens, A. (1984). Capitalismo e Moderna Teoria Social Lisboa: Presença. Gilbert, N. & Stoneman, P. (2015). Researching Social Life. (4.ª ed). Londres: SAGE. Layder, D. (1994). Understanding Social Theory. Londres: SAGE. Ritzer, G. (2010). Sociological Theory. Nova Iorque: Mc-Graw Hill. Santos, F. R. & Sanchez L. A. (2016), Estrategias de la Investigación en las Ciencias Sociales. Valência: Tirant lo Blanch. Turner, B. S. (ed.). Teoria Social. Algés: Difel. Turner, J. H. (1988). A Theory of Social Interaction. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Wallace, W. L. (1980). La Lógica de la Ciencia en la Sociología. (2.ª ed.). Madrid: Alianza Editorial. Waters, M. (1994). Modern Sociological Theory. Londres: SAGE.

Teaching method

The C.U unfolds in theoretical sessions (60%), practical sessions (40%) and individualized in-office attendance. Theoretical sessions are essentially expository, focusing on contents from 1 to 9. The practical sessions focus on point 10. In the Individual presentations students select and justify the theoretical perspective (s) they consider relevant to elaborate the conceptual framework of their thesis/plan/project and choose the set of concepts that they consider suitable for this same purpose.

Evaluation method

The evaluation unfolds in 3 moments: 1) individual presentation, followed by questions posed by the teacher (15%); 2) elaboration of a written work (70%) in which the student may choose to develop: a) a \"state of the art\" about a concept or a logical conection between concepts; b) an initial version of its theoretical framework; c) an analysis model, or d) a combination of the previous three options; finally, 3) a session of questions posed by the teacher about the written work (15%).

Subject matter

1. The status and central role of theory in sociological analysis. 2. Sociology as a pluriparadigmatic science. 3. Parsonian functionalism, origins, later developments, and critiques. 4. Perspectives of conflict and neo-Marxist approaches: their origins and internal differences. 5. Symbolic interactionism, the work of G. H. Mead, origins, later developments, and critiques. 6. Ethnomethodology and its internal diversity. 7. A foray into structuration theory: assumptions and central concepts of A. Giddens´s sociology. Critical revisits. 8. Structural-constructivism of Pierre Bourdieu: assumptions, central concepts and their articulation. Critical revisits: foray into Bernard Lahire´s work and the assumptions of pragmatic sociology. 9. Structuralism, poststructuralism and postmodernism. 10. Modes of construction of theoretical frameworks, models of analysis and intervention plans.