Conhecimento, Educação e Sociedade (not translated)


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Boudon, R. (1990), L’art de se persuader des idées douteuses, fragiles ou fausses. Paris: Fayard.
Fuller, B. (1992), The political construction of education: The State, school expansion and economic change. New York: Praeger.
Bernstein, Basil (1975), Class, Codes and Control, New York, Routledge, vols. III e IV.
Foucault, M. (2012). The archaeology of knowledge. Random House LLC.
Mannheim, K. (2013). Essays Sociology Knowledge (Vol. 5). Routledge.
Maton, K., & Moore, R. (Eds.). (2010). Social realism, knowledge and the sociology of education: Coalitions of the mind. Continuum.
Young, M. (2007). Bringing knowledge back in: From social constructivism to social realism in the sociology of education. Routledge.
Young, M. (1999). Knowledge, learning and the curriculum of the future. British educational research journal, 25(4), 463-477.

Teaching method

About half the presentations are allocated to the presentation, either by the professor or by invited lecturers, of theoretical contributions, \"problematiques\" and examples in research, professional development and intervention related with the specialisation area. Besides exemplifying and suggesting concrete practices, such lectures are a pretext to refresh the students´ learning in methodology during the first part of the syllabus in different implementation contexts, as well as to connect with concepts taught in other seminars during the second semester. The remaining sessions are allocated to the seminar presentation and discussion of the projects being developed by the students. A minimum of two presentations per student is foreseen in the course of the semester.

Evaluation method

The final outcome (the project for the final master assignment) is weighed 75% in the final mark, and the students´ participation in their own and the others´ projects is weighed 25%.

Subject matter


Programs where the course is taught: