Trabalho e Estilos de Vida (not translated)
General characterization
Responsible teacher
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Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Boltanski, Luc,Ève Chiapello (1999), Le Nouvel esprit du capitalisme, Paris, Gallimard.
Dubar, Claude (2000), La Socialisation. Constructions des identités professionnelles, Paris, Armand Colin.
Dubar, Claude (2000), La Crise des identités. Linterprétation dune mutation, Paris, PUF.
Galland, Olivier (1997), Sociologie de la jeunesse, Paris, Armand Colin.
Gelder, Ken e Sarah Thornton (orgs.) (1997), The Subcultures Reader, Londres, Routledge.
Giddens, Anthony (1992 [1990], As Consequências da Modernidade, Oeiras, Celta.
Giddens, Anthony (1994 [1991], Modernidade e Identidade Pessoal, Oeiras, Celta.
Martucelli, Danilo (2002), Grammaires de lindividu, Paris, Gallimard.
Martucelli, Danilo (2010), La société singulariste, Paris, Armand Colin.
Pais, José M. (1993), Culturas Juvenis, Lisboa, IN-CM.
Pais, José M. (2001), Ganhos, tachos e biscates. Jovens, trabalho e futuro, Porto, Ambar.
Teaching method
Teoretical lessons concerning the main concepts of the subjects addressed;
Practical lessons - text discussion based on the literature suggested and presentation and discussion of the work done by the students;
Tutorial monitoring of each student in the design of a research problem or a small research project on an issue relevant to the contents of the course, possibly oriented according to the issues to be addressed in the dissertation, the internship or the research project.
Evaluation method
Written essay about a relevant topic, based on independent literature research, leading eventually to a research project (50%).
Oral presentation and discussion of the written essay in class (50%).
Subject matter