Integration, Exclusion and Social Inequality
General characterization
Responsible teacher
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Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
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Teaching language
Casimiro Balsa e al., 2006, Conceitos e Dimensões da pobreza e da exclusão social Uma abordagem transnacional, Colecção. Método e Teorias, Ed. Unijuí/CEOS, IIjuí, Brasil.
Robert Castel, 1995, Les Métamorphoses de la Question Sociale Une chronique du salariat, Col. Lespace du politique, Ed. Fayard, Paris.
Espin-Andersen, G. (1990) The three worlds of welfare capitalism. Cambridge: Polity
Martine Xiberras, (1993) 1996, As Teorias da Exclusão Para uma construção do Imaginário do Desvio, Col. Epistemologia e Sociedade, Ed. Piaget, Lisboa
Silva, Manuel C. F.. 2009. Classes Sociais: condição objectiva, identidade e acção colectiva. ed. 1. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Húmus
Teaching method
An interactive methodology that associates a time of formulation of questions that tend to enhance the experience of students and any other appropriate systematization of the integration of content and regulation of processes of research students is followed.
Evaluation method
The evaluation is based on contributions from students in class and in their subsequent formalization, in a written work. It is intended that students integrate training content in their thesis work. Additionally, with regard to cross-curricular content, the aim is that the students´ work feed thematic dossiers intended to be socialized by all.
Subject matter