Interpretation of Educational Inequalities
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Bernstein, B. (1971-1973). Class, code and control (vol. 1, 2). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Boudon, R. (1973). L inégalité des chances: La mobilité sociale dans les sociétés industrielles. Paris, Armand Colin: 1973.
Bourdieu, P. & Passeron, J.-C. (1970). La reproduction: Eléments pour une théorie du système d´enseignement. Paris: Minuit.
Breen, R. (org.) (2005). Social mobility in Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dalton, C., Albright, K. (org.) (2004). After the bell: Family background and educational success. Londres: Taylor and Francis.
Eurostat (2013). Education and training.
OCDE (série plurianual). Education at a glance. Paris: OCDE.
Olssen, M. (org.) (2004). Culture and learning: Access and opportunity in the classroom. Wesport: The nGreenwood Press.
Teaching method
About one third of class time is taken by lectures by the professor on the theories, empirical results and indicators programmed in the syllabus. The remainig time is devoted to seminar discussion on problems put forth by the professor, of literature reviewd and crtically assessed by individual students, and to the presentation and discussion of the students´ essays or research projects.
Evaluation method
Continuous evaluation of the sudent´s participation in seminar discussions (40%);
One individually written problematisation essay or research project on a relevant topic within the scope of the curricular unit, based on the student´s autonomous research and supported by tutorial guidance (50%);
Seminar presentation and discussion of the student´s essay or research plan (10%).
Subject matter