Strategies and Resources for Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
BIT, STEP, 2003, A Luta contra a Pobreza e a Exclusão Social em Portugal, Experiências do Programa de Luta contra a Pobreza, BIT/STEP, Genebra
Estivill, J., 2003, Panorama da luta contra exclusão social. Conceitos e estratégias, BIT/STEP, Genebra.
J. Estivill e al., 2006, Activar a Participação, Pequenas Experiências Grandes Esperanças, REAPN, Porto
Vivianne Châtel e M.H. Soulet, 2002, Faire Face et sen sortir, vol. 1 e 2, Rès Socialis, Éditions Universitaires d Fribourg, Fribourg
Rodrigues, Fernanda, 1999, Assistência Social e Políticas Sociais em Portugal, Departamento editorial do ISSScoop, Lisboa
Teaching method
Interactive methodology combining a moment of question formultation that tends to enhance the possible experience of students, and another moment of systematization in order to integrate adequately the contents and regulating the students´ research processes.
Evaluation method
The assessment is based on contributions from students in class and in their subsequent formalization, a written assignment. It is expected that students integrate training contents in their thesis work. In addition, as far as transversal contents are concerned, students are expected to fill the thematic dossiers intended for the work of the whole group.
Subject matter