Comunidades e Dinâmicas Sociais (not translated)
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Atendendo que, por uma lado, esta unidade curricular é oferecida como seminário de especialização, onde confluem saberes disciplinares (Sociologia e Demografia) e temas diversos, e, por outro lado, o programa está estruturado para a preparação do projecto final a apresentar pelo(a) aluno(a), a bibliografia será indicada em função dos projectos que se forem delineando em cada ano.
Given that, on the one hand, this curricular unit is as offered as a specialization seminar where two scientific domains (Sociology and Demography) and different subjects meet, and on the other hand, the program is structured in view of the preparation of the final project to be submitted by the student, bibliographic references will be indicated on the basis of projects that are created each year.
Teaching method
About half the presentations are allocated to the presentation, either by the professor or by invited lecturers, of examples in research, professional development and intervention related with the specialisation area. Besides exemplifying and suggesting concrete practices, such lectures are a pretext to refresh the students´ learning in methodology during the first semester in different implementation contexts, as well as to connect with concepts taught in other seminars during the second semester. The remaining sessions are allocated to the seminar presentation and discussion of the projects being developed by the students. A minimum of three presentations per student is foreseen in the course of the semester.
Evaluation method
The final outcome (the project for the final master assignment) is weighed 80% in the final mark, and the students´ participation in their own and the others´ projects is weighed 20%.
Subject matter