Gender and Society - 2nd semester


The students should acquire: a) knowledge and understanding of how values and behaviors differentiated by gender cross the whole social fabric are sedimented and stigmatized in social roles, which by way of expectations, representations and individual and collective conduct constrain social action of men and women; b) an understanding of economic, political, social and cultural processes and mechanisms, which, in different spatial and temporal contexts, contribute to the production and reproduction of such gender roles; c) a capacity for critical analysis and research of actual phenomena related to this topic; d) the ability to communicate clearly about the theories, concepts and research results in the thematic field of this curricular unit.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Manuel Gaspar da Silva Lisboa, Sara Dalila Cerejo


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Almeida, M.(2000). Senhores de Si. Lisboa:Fim de Século Amâncio, L. (1994). Masculino e Feminino. Porto: Afrontamento Archer, J. & Lloyd, B. (eds.) (2002). Sex and Gender. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press Ariès, P. & Duby, G.(dir.) (1989-1991). História da vida privada. Lisboa: C. Leitores. Cerejo, D. (2014). Viver sobrevivendo: Emoções e dinâmicas socioculturais nos processos de manutenção das relações conjugais violentas. T.Doutoramento. Foucault, M. (1999). Sexuality and power, in Carret, J., Religion and culture by Michel Foucault. Manchester: M. Univ. Press, pp.115-130. Lisboa, M, Barroso, Z., Patrício, J. & Leandro, A. (2009). Violência de Género. Lisboa: CIG. Lisboa, M., Cerejo, D., Teixeira, A.L. & et. al (2015). Mutilação Genital Feminina em Portugal. V. N. de Famalicão: Húmus. Teixeira, A. L. (2016). Desigualdades de género nos cargos políticos em Portugal: do poder central ao poder local. T.Doutoramento Walby, S. (20111). The Future of Feminism. Cambridge: Polity Press

Teaching method

Classes are structured according to three types of sessions: a) oral presentation by the lecturer covering the different points in the syllabus, with use of powerpoint, audio, and video; b) invited experts to lecture on relevants subjects for assignment work; c) final collective discussion of the individual students´ work. Since this is a discipline that can be attended by students from various undergraduate courses, seek classes to reflect the richness of this diversity, combining the oral presentations with the critical participation of students. The subject of the individual assignment is prearranged with the lecturer, to be considered a small essay to be used further on in the master´s final assignment.

Evaluation method

The assessmet is done through participation and class discussions (20%) and written work, to be delivered according to established schedule (maximum 4000 words, excluding annexes and bibliography) (80%).

Subject matter

1. From sex differences to gender differences 2. Emotion and reason in the social construction of gender inequality: a dichotomous story \"in a grain of sand\" 3. The place of gender in the public and in private spheres 4. Power and gender in economic and political contexts 5. Gender issues in violent cultures and spaces.