Immigration, Ethnicity and Multiculturality
a) Learning and understanding the theories of migration and ethnicty;
b) Understanding ethnicity as social constructions, historically, politically and economically embedded;
c) Ability to analyse and research concrete phenomena of ethnicty in migratory contexts;
d) Ability to communicate in a clear and rigorous way the theories, concepts and research results in the scientific domain of the course;
e) Ability to intervene in a critical and informed way on issues related with migration and ethnicity in the context of societies and organizations increasingly confronted with multiculturality.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Appadurai, A., Dimensões culturais da globalização, Lisboa: Teorema, 2004
Castles, S. & M. Miller, The Age of Migration, The Guilford Press, 2009
Castles, S., Globalização, transnacionalismo e novos fluxos migratórios, Lisboa: Fim de Século, 2005
Gans, H. J., Symbolic ethnicity: the future of ethnic groups and cultures in America, in H. Gans, N. Glazer, J. Gusfield e C. Jenks(org.), On the making of Americans. Essays in honour of David Riesman, Univ. Pennsylvania Press, 1979, pp.193-220
Marques, M. M.(org.), Estado-Nação e Migrações Internacionais, Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 2010
Massey, Douglas, Joaquin Arango, Graeme Hugo, Ali Kouaouci, Adela Pelegrino, J. Edward Taylor, Worlds in motion: understanding international migration at the end of the millennium, Oxford & Nova York: Oxford University Press, 2008
Portes, A., Estudos sobre as Migrações Contemporâneas, Lisboa: Fim de Século, 2006
Vermeulen, H., Imigração, integração e a dimensão política da cultura, Lisboa:Colibri, 2001
Teaching method
Some classes are based on theoretical exposés and others on practical exercises. The latter will consist in students´ presentation and discussion of their projected essay or research plan.
Evaluation method
Evaluation and weighting for the final grade: continuous evaluation of the student´s participation in classes (25%); presentation in class of the projected essay or work plan (25%); written essay or work plan (50%).
Subject matter
1. Space, time and volume of migration. Past, present and future.
2. Theories of migration
3. Theories of ethnicity
4. Multiculturalities and state
5. The commodification of ethnicity
6. School and migration
7. Politicization of ethnicity
8. Politicization of migration
9. Pan-ethnicity and mass media