Trabalho de Projecto em Filosofia Geral (not translated)


- To apply the abilities and the knowledge developed in the curricular component.
- To acquire research skills in Philosophy.
- To improve analytical, hermeneutical and writing abilities.
- To be able to write a project according to the academic canon of the area.
- To develop discourse and arguing abilities in order to discuss the project with a jury.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - -

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





A definir ao longo do processo.

Teaching method

Tutorial monitoring.

Public discussion.

Evaluation method

Subject matter

This CU aims to give due support for all the tasks related to the preparation and implementation of a project within the framework of philosophical studies. The project work will be done in one of two alternative ways: 1. conception by the student of an original research dealing with a theme relevant to the area of specialization of the Master, with enough depth for carrying out a research leading to a doctoral degree; 2. design and development by the student of an original application of knowledge and skills acquired in the curricular year to social, cultural and / or economic identified needs. The project memory shall be no longer than 50 pages, excluding bibliography and appendices and eventually discussed with a jury of experts..


Programs where the course is taught: