Contemporary Politics and Ethics - 1st semester
a) To identify systematically the issues that arise from the relationship between ethics and politics;
b) To get a profound knowledge of the present debates on those issues;
c) To interpret in a critical way the main texts concerned with the subject;
d) To acquire competences in autonomous research.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Marques, Gabriele de Angelis
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
-Amartya Sen (2002) Rationality and Freedom, Harvard University Press
-John Rawls (1993) Uma Teoria da Justiça, Lisboa: Presença
-John Rawls (1992) The Law of Peoples: With \"The Idea of Public Reason Revisited\", Harvard University Press
-Thomas Nagel (1991) Equality and Impartiality, Oxford University Press
-Thomas Nagel (2005) The Problem of Global Justice, Philosophy and Global Affairs, vol. 33, pp. 113-147
Teaching method
Two main activities are developed in the course. During the first one and a half hour, there is an explanation of theoretical contents that will be followed by the presentation of questions by the students and a wide debate on the previously presented issues. In the second part of the class, there will be room for reading, interpretation and analysis of the texts on which the presented contents are based.
Evaluation method
The evaluation is chiefly focused on the elaboration of a paper that shall be previously proposed to and supervised by the lecturer (80%). Attendance and participation in class are also taken into account (20%).
Subject matter
- Starting from the reading of John Rawls book, The Law of Peoples: With \"The Idea of Public Reason Revisited\", it will be discussed some relevant issues in contemporary ethical and political context, such as local and global justice, fundamental rights, the relationship between morals and politics and the main challenges with which humanity is confronted on both political and ethical levels.
Programs where the course is taught: