Literature and Ideology - 2nd semester
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Margarida Esperança Pina
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Cavanagh, J. (1995). Ideology in Critical Terms for Literary Study (Frank Lentricchia and Thomas MNaLauglin eds.). Chicago-London: The University of Chicago Press.
Eagleton, T.(1991). Ideology. An Introduction. London-New York: Verso.
Guimarães, F. (1996). Linguagem e ideologia. Porto: Lello Editores.
Hammon, P. (1984). Texte et idéologie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, Quadrige.
Jameson, F. (2013). The Antinomies of Realism. Verso Books: London-New York.
Petri, Rolf (2019). Breve História da Ideologia Ocidental. Lisboa: Circulo dos Leitores.
Rastier, F. (1973). Littérature et idéologie in Essais de Sémiotique discursive. Paris: Mame, pp. 183-221
Ricoeur, P. (1997). LIdéologie et lutopie. Paris: Seuil.
Tambling, J. (1991). Narrative and Ideology. Bristol: Open University Press.
Willimas, R. (1991). Writing in Society. London-New York: Verso.
Teaching method
Theoretical classes: 60%; Practical classes: 40%. 1. Presentation of the issues set out in the program; students´ initiation in techniques and methods of organizing information and developing critical skills, as well as research and management of research resources; reading and commenting on critical bibliography and literary texts, aiming at the acquisition of scientific autonomy; 2. Practical analysis of theoretical and literary texts exemplifying the themes proposed and relevant to their study; 3. Preparation of students for research work on a topic related to programmatic issues.
Evaluation method
1. Two Oral Interventions in the seminar, with prior oriented preparation, on the themes / works under study - 40%; 2. Preparation of a final research paper (15 pages), in writing, with oral discussion - 60%.
Subject matter
1. Ideology in Literature: historical and theoretical framework of the problem;
2. Ideology and Utopia. 2.1. Europe under construction: utopian models of a civilization; 2.2. Heroic conceptions of modern life;
3. Literature and Institutionalization of value. 3.1. Freedom and Sovereignty: Literature and Defense of the Great Causes: The Question of the Death Penalty;
4. Literature and social intervention. 4.1.European Space and World Cultures. 4.2. Intervening intellectual concept. 4.3. Literary Manifestos: Rhetoric and Action models; 5. Contemporary romance, the search for virtue: between ideological expression and the construction of a norm.