Resources and Technologies for Music Teaching - 1st semester
To know and use resources and technologies that can support music teaching and learning.
The student should be able to
a) Managing and querying digital and analog archives;
b) Using computer tools for sound manipulation;
c) Harmonizing folk songs;
d) Build simple musical instruments.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Nogueira, Rui Pereira Jorge
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Gall, M. R. Y., Sammer, G., & de Vugt, A (Eds.)(2012). European perspectives on music education: New media in the classroom. Innsbruck: Helbling.
Green, L. (2001). How popular musicians learn: A way ahead for music education. Burlington, VA: Ashgate Publishing.
Mills, J. and Paynter, J.(eds.) (2008). Thinking and making: Selections from the writings of John Paynter on music in education. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Morais, D. (1998). Cantar em português. Disponível em
Webster, P. (2001). Computer-based technology and music teaching and learning. In R. Colwell & C.
Richardson (eds.), The new handbook of research on music teaching and learning (pp. 416439). New York: Oxford.
McPherson, G.E.(ed.) (2006). The child as musician: A handbook of musical development. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Williams, D. B., & Webster, P. R. (2006). Experiencing music technology (3rd ed). Belmont, CA: Thomson.
Teaching method
Teacher lectures.
Discussion in class.
Gathering and processing songs.
Live performance of musical products.
Musical instruments building.
Evaluation method
The evaluation consists of construction of a digital and analog portfolio of materials for music education, that includes a songbook with ciphered lyrics, scores, recordings or links (50%), the related products of using computer applications and recorded performances and built instruments (45%), and a final self-evaluative reflection (5%). Activities are preferably collective.
Subject matter
The query of music databases. Management and manipulation of digital files.
Repertoire of songs: melodies, figures and lyrics. Practical harmonization of folk songs.
Computer tools for sequencing, recording, editing and notation. The \"Audacity\".
The use of \"Moodle\" platform for cooperative work.
Technical rudiments of musical instruments (tuning and basic techniques).
Construction of instruments with common materials.
Programs where the course is taught: