Work Experience with Report in Anthropology


1. Mobilize and apply scientific knowledge and soft skills to a work to be developed in a professional context;
2. Acquire / develop some of the skills required by the labor market, such as communication skills, teamwork, leadership skills and self-reliance;
3. Promote independence and encourage creativity and innovation in response to the demands of a professional work environment.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Available soon


Weekly - -

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Conclusion of taught component (1st year)


Bibliografia específica adequada à tese de cada estudante.
Dependent on the nature of each student’s research

Teaching method

The training will be supervised by a representative of the host institution, in articulation with the FCSH´s supervisor.

Evaluation method

The training itself is not subjected to formal assessment, although the work of the student is the subject of a report to be evaluated by an external committee.

Subject matter

The post-graduate training is carried out in institutions with experience with previous training of Anthropology students, covering the different areas of this master programme: ONGs, museums, local and central governmental agencies.