Image Workshop - 2nd semester


This seminar aims to give the students some tools in two different areas:
a) Visual anthropology (in special the methodologies of using digital video: camera and sound work, editing)
b) Visual Culture analysis: as produced both as a form of representation and identity by the social actors and as ellaborated by the artistic and cinematographic languages.

This seminar will be based on individual projects by students , creating the conditions for the use a technical knowledge, as well as a critical perspective specially on questions of representation, ethics and the methodological and theoretical specifities associated with the work of the image.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Catarina Alves Costa


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Banks, Marcus (2001) Visual Methods in Social Research, Sague publications, London.
Barbash, Ilisa and Taylor, Lucien (1997) Cross-Cultural Filmmaking- A handbook for making documentary and ethnographic films and videos, University of California Press.
Coles, Robert (1997) Doing Documentary Work, Oxford University Press.
Devereux, Leslie and Hillman, Roger (ed) (1995) Fields of Vision- Essays in Film Studies, Visual Anthropology and Photography .
Heywood, Ian, Sandywell, Barry (Editors) (1998) Interpreting Visual Culture: Explorations in the Hermeneutics of Vision, Routledge.
MacDougall, David (2006) The Corporeal Image. Film, Ethnography and the senses, Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford. 312 pags.
Prosser, Jon (ed.) (1998) Image-Based Research. A Sourcebook for Qualitative Researchers, Routledge, 2000.
Rabiger, Michael (1987) Directing the Documentary. Focal Press.
Rose, Gillian (2000) Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to Interpreting Visual Objects. Sage

Teaching method

Students will develop a project: a short film or a photographic essay or a text that analyse a specific corpus of images. Classes will combine lectures, film screening or photographic exhibition and discussion.

Evaluation method

They will have to do different presentations: idea development, practical exercises, presentation of the visual materials in class, and others.
Grading is based upon assessment of participation throughout the seminar (25%), as well as the presentation of a final work (75%).

Subject matter

This seminar aims at producing different perspectives on how to work with images in the context of ethnographic work, based on the experimentation and discussion of different practical methods:
1) Uses of the photography in fieldwork. Photographic essay and written text.
2) Analysis of images produced in social and cultural specific contexts, modes of organization and articulation with research.
3) Analysis of a specific cinematography, from an anthropological point of view.
4) Uses of the image in museums, heritage and exhibition models
5) Ethnographic film as a result of anthropological research: from the filmmaker as author to the creative processes.
6) Important steps to conduct a research with images: research and development, written project, shooting and digital image work, editing and post-production, subtitling and texts.
7) Techniques and the use of equipment with the collaboration of external technicians: image, sound and editing.


Programs where the course is taught: