Science Journalism - 1st semester
In this seminar, students will be introduced to several journalism genres (news, features and profiles) in the area of science journalism, and will be trained to produce publishing quality articles for national newspapers and websites.
During the semester, students must
1) understand the differences between journalism genres;
2) learn how to gather information in order to produce science journalism articles;
3) know the routines and the constraints of science journalists;
4) be aware of the deep transformations of science journalism in the era of Internet;
5) experiment with ome of the tools that are helping to change the role of journalists in newsrooms, by producing new types of content or bringing together journalists and sources.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Granado
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Blum, Deborah et al. (2006). A Field Guide for Science Writers, 2nd edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
Elías, Carlos (2008). Fundamentos de Peridismo Científico e Divulgación Mediática. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Holliman, Richard et al. (2009). Investigating Science Communication in the Information Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
Holliman, Richard et al. (2009). Practising Science Communication in the Information Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
Kovach, Bill and Rosenstiel, Tom (2004) Os Elementos do Jornalismo. Porto: Porto Editora.
Teaching method
Classes will have lectures and practical work. Student work will be presented, discussed and revised during class. This methodology will give students the opportunity to dominate science writing techniques through the analysis of their own work and also the works of other colleagues.
Evaluation method
Grading of practical work two news items, one report, one feature and one profile.
Class participation.
Subject matter
The main areas of study wiil be:
- Shaping and characterization of the science jornalism field;
- Analysis of science writing characteristics;
- Gathering and validation of the information in science journalism;
- Writing of science journalism articles, to be published on a seminar webzine;
- Prodution of alternative journalism formats aimed at communicating science.