Geographic Information Systems and Cartography - 1st semester


a) To develop good practices of information acquisition and cartographic design in multidisciplinary settings;
b) To apply design methodologies to the design of cartographic layouts;
c) To conceptualize solutions for representing multi-scale analysis using geographic information systems software;
d) To develop skills for independent learning environments to perform cartographic editing with geographic information systems;
e) To assess, scientifically and technically, information structures and knowledge for the land management;
f) To develop critical skills in the selection and acquisition of information;
g) To apply different solutions of cartographic editing for different audiences.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Jorge Ricardo Ferreira


Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial

Total - Available soon

Teaching language





Bertin, J. (2011). Semiology of Graphics: Diagrams, Networks, Maps. New York: ESRI Press.

Krygier, J. (2011). Making Maps. A Visual Guide to Map Design for GIS (2nd Ed.). New York: The Guilford Press.

Peterson, G. (2014). GIS Cartography: A Guide to Effective Map Design (2nd Ed.). New York: CRC Press.

Tamara, M. ( 2014). Visualization Analysis and Design. AK Peters Visualization Series. New York: CRC Press.

Teaching method

Teaching is based on FCSH e-learning platform where all materials and recommended reading are available all materials and recommended reading.
A Welcome presentation is available at the beginning of the semester with the CU objectives, the program, the general bibliography, the evaluation criteria, and the scheduling of activities and evaluation. For each LU exists an introductory presentation that contains its goals, contents, specific bibliography and a detailed description of the application exercises.
There is a weekly chat session in which students can interact with teachers in real time. The session log is available on the platform. Participation is optional, not counting for evaluation.

Evaluation method

The evaluation is done continuously:
(i) Individual practical exercises in each of the six learning units (50% of the final grade);
(ii) An oral evaluation (10% of the final grade);
(iii) A written exam (40% of the final grade).

Subject matter

1) Cartography and communication - transmitting messages to different audiences
2) Element types (marks) and visual variables in a digital environment
3) Acquisition, integration and information manipulation in vector data models
4) Digital cartography validation with geographic information systems
5) Precision and accuracy in cartography as key elements in the decision-making process.


Programs where the course is taught: