Geographic Information Technologies in Spatial Planning - 2nd semester
a) To understand the role of Geographic Information Technologies in the Spatial Planning
b) To understand the principles, methods and techniques used in Spatial Planning by means of Geographic Information Technologies
c) To apply geographic information extraction from Remote Sensing images
d) To apply landscape structural analysis in Geographic Information Systems
e) To apply 3D visualization in Urban and Spatial Planning
f) To develop Geographic Information Technologies project for Urban Planning or Spatial Planning
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José António Tenedório
Weekly - 3 letivas + 1 tutorial
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Brazil´s National Institute for Space Research (2012). SPRING [em linha]. INPE/DPI Web site. Acedido Junho 20, 2015, em
Lillesand, T. M. & Kiefer, R., W. (2015). Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation (7th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 609-699.
McGarigal, K., Cushman, S. & Ene, E. (2012). FRAGSTATS: Spatial Pattern Analysis Program for Categorical and Continuous Maps [em linha]. University of Massachusetts Web site. Acedido Junho 20, 2015, em
Tenedório, J. A., Rebelo, C., Estanqueiro, R., Henriques, C. D., Marques, L., & Gonçalves, J. A. (2014). New Developments in Geographical Information Technology for Urban and Spatial Planning. In N. Pinto, J. Tenedório, A. Antunes, & J. Cladera (Ed.), Technologies for Urban and Spatial Planning: Virtual Cities and Territories. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, IGI Global, pp. 196-227.
Teaching method
Teaching is based on FCSH e-learning platform where all materials and recommended reading are available all materials and recommended reading.
A Welcome presentation is available at the beginning of the semester with the CU objectives, the program, the general bibliography, the evaluation criteria, and the scheduling of activities and evaluation. For each LU exists an introductory presentation that contains its goals, contents, specific bibliography and a detailed description of the application exercises.
There is a weekly chat session in which students can interact with teachers in real time. The session log is available on the platform. Participation is optional, not counting for evaluation.
Evaluation method
Evaluation includes:
a) Written and oral exam (in-situ) 50%
b) Five individual works (1 theoretical, 3 practical and 1 project) - 40%
c) Ongoing evaluation of class participation on chat and forum - 10%
Subject matter
1) Technology in Urban and Spatial Planning: i) concepts; ii) land management legal instruments and geographic information needed to execute the formal content in Urban and Spatial Planning; iii) Geographic Information Technologies: potentials and limitations for Spatial Planning
2) Remote Sensing: i) sensors and resolutions; ii) image classification; iii) post-classification; iv) integration in Geographic Information Systems; v) practice of image digital processing
3)Landscape structural analysis in Geographic Information Systems for Spatial Planning: i) image segmentation and land cover classification; ii) calculating and analyzing landscape metrics in vector model; iii) calculating and analyzing landscape metrics in raster model
4) 3D visualization in Urban Planning and in Spatial Planning
5) Project on Geographic Information Technologies in Urban Planning and in Spatial Planning
Programs where the course is taught: